What is a Co-Op?

A cooperative preschool is a program that is operated by a group of parents who take an active interest in their children's first educational experience. Parents help the teacher in the classroom and are involved in decision-making.

Parent helping is the most important thing our parents do as members of a cooperative preschool. It can be a very rewarding experience for you and your child. It is an opportunity to work closely with the teacher and to learn more about your own child as well as other children.

What is required of each family?

Our school asks each family to contribute about 6-9 hours per month, or about 68 hours per year. Every family is responsible for one committee job or board position per child attending throughout the school year and attendance at two general membership evening meetings, in addition to fundraising activities.

Benefits a Co-Op Preschool Offers Parents:

  • A better understanding of their children's individuality through observing them with other children of the same age.

  • A voice in school decisions and policy-making.

  • Education in child development and parenting skills at parent meetings, conferences and through publications.

  • Mutual understanding and moral support from other parents with the same concerns, interests, and problems.

  • Memories of activities shared with children.

  • Family activities throughout the year including: summer picnics, Halloween Party, Fathers' & Special Friends' Breakfast, Mothers' & Special Friends' Tea Party, End-of-Year Picnic.